Specifications for video recording and uploading

Spending too much time on the video recording is totally unnecessary. You can just use your mobile phone, Zoom, Tencent Meeting, or any video conferencing software to record. The video does not need post-processing at all. Please control the time length in one minute. We mainly want to see what kind of team you are through the video, because it may convey some information beyond words

Please introduce yourself and what you are doing, and explain why you are making this product in the video. Please feel free to introduce any information about the founding team and the project, but remember to keep it simple and concise. We expect you to take it as a causal chat with friends instead of being formal

The video should be about 1 minute long, and applicants can upload it directly through our website. If you upload it to other video sites (such as Youku or Bilibili) without meaning to publicize it, you can set a password for your video. In this case, please specify your password in the application

The video should only contain the founder's talk. Please do not edit the video or add screenshots, because we do not want to turn this into a video contest. Background music is also distracting, and it's a waste of time. Therefore, please don't add any background music. We're more likely to dismiss a video because of its background music

Memorizing a pre-written script is NOT recommended. One reason is that it takes too much time and energy to prepare, and second is that it seems unnatural. Please take it as a natural conversation with a friend. Giving a memorized speech (or even worse, reading words directly from the screen) looks very unnatural and staged. Even if you are a good actor, we don't recommend you recite a well-prepared speech

Before you upload the video, please play it and check if you can hear it clearly. We can't hear many submitted videos clearly. Please ensure that the sound in the video is clear and audible, and the video is visible. There may be problems if the format is different

We don't have many samples now. If necessary, please refer to video shooting sample 1 and video shooting sample 2